Our farm stand is closed for the season.
Thank you for supporting local agriculture!
Selections vary with the seasons and are always farm fresh.
Eat your beets! Their richness vibrates in their color.
Lime and Cumin Salad Dressing
Goat milk ~ Calendula soap
Almost everyday during summer, I spent a few minutes picking perfect flowers to dry and to soak in olive oil to make this luxurious soap from Dottie’s milk.
Roasted Squash Soup with Sage and Apple
See what’s available today on the HOME page. Hours: 7AM — 8PM. Directions.
- Spring Starts: lettuce, kale, spinach, peas and sweetpeas, available this year in March
- Bags of ready to eat spinach and salad mix available April
- Cilantro, chives
- Free range, organic roasting chickens
- Vegetables: Salad mix, peas, kale, zucchini, tomatoes,cucumbers, sweet peppers, garlic
- Herbs: Italian parsley, basil, lemon basil, thai basil, cilantro
- Fruit: raspberries, gooseberries, marionberries
- Organic Free range roasting chickens
- Products: Mustard vinaigrettes
- Veggies: Tomatoes, winter squash, peppers, goat cheese, kale, salad mix, spinach, onions, potatoes, beets
- Free range roasting chickens
- Fresh pastured pork
- Seasonal fruit
- Fresh farm made soups, ready to heat and eat
- Mustard vinaigrettes
- Goat milk soap
- Potatoes, onions, beets
- Fresh farm made soups ready to heat and eat
- Frozen cooked squash
- Frozen strawberry jam from summer berries
- Goat milk soap
- Holiday gifts like pecan toffee, panettone
- Cheesecakes and pecan pie by order