Several friends were conveniently unavailable and/ or unwilling to help me with a small IKEA project. They either had previous crazy making experience or they have seen the late night TV/YouTube IKEA bashing.
One rainy morning there was Joon Kitty, faux snoozing on his chair, disdainfully suspicious of the bits and pieces on the table above him.
Huh? Really? You want me to help you build that?
Okay, but I want the tin foil ball when I’m done.
Looks like we put this little white thingie where?
Maybe it goes like this?
What am I to do with a tiny wrench thing? I do not have thumbs!
well, maybe it goes here?
Dag nab it , get over here!
These instructions suck!
I will shred them for the fire.
I let the human finish.
I need my nap, you figure out where those white thingies go.
loved it. you so funny! and so smart to get that pt together!
Carla O
Oh, Karen! How on earth do you do this! So amazing. Love it!